Thursday, August 27, 2020
Baby Boomers free essay sample
In the article Blue Collar Boomers Take Work Ethic to College Sander’s makes that contention that the gen X-ers within recent memory are as yet qualified to work, and will attempt better approaches for accomplishing the training to begin various types of work. The vast majority of the child of post war America age had gone directly to hard work employments to help bring home cash for their families, and since they are more established the work is stressing on their bodies (Sanders 3). While they might be more established, they are as yet equipped for figuring out how to utilize new innovation and extending their psyches (Sanders 27). Sanders talks about that school is not, at this point a spot for youthful grown-ups to go to once out of secondary school, but instead a spot for anybody to get high instruction so as to accomplish a vocation. A portion of the more established Americans are deciding to return to school. Mr Hill says, â€Å"I need a vocation plunking down, at the PC, in the cubicle†¦after being out in the field for such huge numbers of years, I might want a plunk down activity. We will compose a custom paper test on Children of post war America or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Mr. Slope had concluded that in the wake of working exposed for such a long time, he felt that he had the right to earn substantial sums of money while not doing a lot of physical work (Sanders 24). In the wake of being a piece of an incredible things or helping their nation, a portion of the gen X-ers accepted that they have the right to carry on with a comfortable life. To an alternate degree, more established Americans need to proceed with school as an issue of need. In passage 30 Mr. Ronan states, â€Å"They don't have the extravagance nor the enthusiasm for returning to school for a few years, they need something speedy †This announcement tells perusers that more established Americans don't have the privilege to return to school in light of the fact that not at all like more youthful Americans, they have bills to pay. A portion of the children of post war America are proceeding with school for work in light of the fact that the hard work of their old profession has left their bodies shriveled (Sanders 3). Be that as it may, on the grounds that their bodies are unequipped for difficult work, doesn't imply that their psyches are. At the point when these more established understudies come to school, they carry their qualities with them. In today’s society, individuals accept that school is simply something that generally everybody must go to after secondary school as a piece of their way throughout everyday life; and some underestimate it. The more seasoned Americans, or people born after WW2, didn't have the chances to head off to college as we do. To them, school is an awesome encounter to gain proficiency with the things expected to go into their field of work or even just to facilitate their own insight. People born after WW2 understand the estimation of decent training and what it can bring for their professions (Sanders 31). They are basically consolidating their hard working attitude from hard work employments, to concentrating similarly as hard in the homeroom.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Home of the Brave and Land of the Free essays
Home of the Brave and Land of the Free papers Home of the fearless, and place where there is the free, yet our country genuinely has more profundity than that. Our country, worked by a wide range of people groups, keeps on developing socially and develop as decades pass. Along these lines we take a stab at a national personality that is to a great extent established on what individuals had and have brought from their old nation, just as what we have made our own from development and innovativeness. It was from that where America gets its uniqueness, yet not simply from this. Our novel characteristics arent just from our various foundations converging into an enormous collection, yet additionally from how we need to separate ourselves. It was the daring, revolting individuals that battled for freedom, having their own thoughts, for example, all men are made equivalent where our uniqueness was conceived. As we continued looking for a national character we have came into battles in obviously characterizing what our identity is, for on the off chance that all men were made equivalent, at that point slaves would need to be as well. This may have been probably the best obstacle we have experienced in getting ourselves, bringing about a common war, battling for cap America was to be. Over and over we kept on confronting difficulties, and still do until this day, proceeding forever. From every difficult we become familiar with somewhat more about ourselves, of whom we are as a country. As a country we keep on changing, equipped for being a very surprising country, lead by ever-changing convictions and guided by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, just as the will and excellence of the individuals. It was this thought of capacity to the individuals that had first separate us, affecting others to find in our new manners. These ways permitted incredible open door for our kin, just as for the ones to come, giving us the moniker of The Land of Opportunity, giving far beyond such a significant number of different s pots. Our starting thoughts made it where our kin had the most opportunity out of anyplace else on the planet. America today keeps on observing more and... <!
Friday, August 21, 2020
Lewis Terman Biography
Lewis Terman Biography History and Biographies Print How Lewis Terman Influenced the Field of Psychology By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Updated on October 14, 2019 More in Psychology History and Biographies Psychotherapy Basics Student Resources Theories Phobias Emotions Sleep and Dreaming Lewis Terman was an influential psychologist who is known for his version of the Stanford-Binet intelligence test and for his longitudinal study of giftedness. His research is the longest-lasting longitudinal study ever conducted. His work added important contributions to the understanding of how intelligence influences life success, health, and outcomes. Lewis Termans Influence on Psychology Terman is best known for: Genetic studies of geniusEducational psychology pioneerEugenicsFurther development and refinement of the Binet-Simon IQ testMental testing Early Life Lewis Madison Terman was the 12th of 14 children born on January 15, 1877 to a farming family in Indiana. While few of his peers studied past the 8th-grade, Terman was both bookish and ambitious. His early experiences were perhaps what fueled his later passion for studying intelligence and giftedness. Aided by loans from his family, Terman completed his BS, BP and BA degrees at Central Normal College in 1894 and 1898. He then went on to earn a BA and MA from Indiana University at Bloomington in 1903. In 1905, he earned his Ph.D. in Psychology from Clark University. Career and Research Termans Ph.D. thesis centered on mental tests that could be used to distinguish gifted students from those that were cognitively impaired. He developed tests that measured complex cognitive abilities and included measures of creativity, mathematical ability, memory, motor skills, logic, and language mastery. After graduating, he initially worked as a school principal in California and two years later became a professor at Los Angeles Normal School. In 1910, he became a professor at Stanford University, where he would remain until his death in 1956. After becoming a professor at Stanford, he worked on revising the original Binet-Simon scales for use with American populations. His updated version of the test became known as the Stanford-Binet and went on to become the most widely used IQ test. In addition to revising the original test, he also began using a formula that involved taking mental age, dividing it by chronological age, and multiplying it by 100 to come up with what is known as the intelligence quotient or IQ. The first wide-scale use of Termans test occurred during the First World War, where the test was adapted and combined with other assessments to form the Army alpha (text-based) and Alpha-beta (picture-based) tests. Millions of soldiers were given these assessments, and those who received an A score were promoted to officer training while those who received a D or E were not given such training. Terman was also a noted eugenicist, once citing Galton as a prime influence. At one point, he administered English tests to native Spanish-speakers as well as unschooled black students and concluded that the ensuing low scores were the result of inheritance and had a racial basis. Terman was also a member of the Human Betterment Foundation, a group that advocated, among other things, forced sterilization of those who were deemed mentally unfit. Termans Genius Study In 1921, Terman began his Genetic Studies of Genius, a longitudinal study that set out to investigate whether high IQ students were more successful in life. What he found was that his high IQ subjects (which he referred to as Termites) tended to be healthier, taller, and more socially adapted than other kids. Based on his results, Terman suggested that gifted children should be identified early, offered tailored instruction, and have access to specially-trained teachers. Terman found that while many of his high IQ subjects were very successful, not all fared as well and most actually turned out no better than the average. He did find that those who ended up being the most successful tended to rate higher on self-confidence, perseverance, and goal-orientation as children. The study is still going on today, carried out by other psychologists, and has become the longest-running study in history. Select Publications Terman published a number of books and articles that detailed the research he conducted looking at intelligence and IQ testing. Some of these include: Terman, L. M. (1916). The Measurement of Intelligence: An Explanation of and a Complete Guide for the use of the Stanford Revision and Extension of the Binet-Simon Intelligence Scale. Boston. Houghton Mifflin Co. Terman, L. M. (1917). The Stanford Revision and Extension of the Binet-Simon Scale for Measuring Intelligence. Baltimore. Warwick York, Inc. Terman, L. M. (1925). Genetic Studies of Genius. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Terman, L. M. (1930). Autobiography of Lewis Terman. In Carl A. Murchison, and Edwin G. Boring. A History of Psychology in Autobiography. Worcester, MA: Clark University Press. Terman, L. M., and Merrill, M. A. (1937). Measuring Intelligence: A Guide to the Administration of the new Revised Stanford-Binet tests of Intelligence. Boston: Houghton Mifflin company. Terman, L. M., Oden. M. H., and Bayley, N. (1947). The Gifted Child Grows Up: Twenty-five Years Follow-up of a Superior Group. Genetic studies of genius. v. 4. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Contributions to Psychology Lewis Terman played an important role in the early development of educational psychology and his intelligence test became one of the most widely used psychological assessments in the world. He advocated for support and guidance for kids identified as gifted in order to nurture their talents and abilities. Yet Termans legacy is tainted by one of the motivations underlying much of his early research - a belief in selectively eliminating certain undesirable traits through the use of eugenics and compulsory sterilizations of so-called feebleminded individuals. While he later backed down from this staunch position in his later life, he never formally renounced the beliefs he had advocated for so long. Wrestling with Termans difficult legacy involves weighing his many contributions to the field and the influence his IQ test had on the world against the cold-hearted attitudes that motivated so much of his work. One one hand, his work inspired almost all the innovations we use today to challenge bright kids and enrich their education, wrote Mitchell Leslie for Stanford Magazine. On the other hand, as biographer Minton points out, the very qualities that made Terman a groundbreaking scientist - his zeal, his confidence - also made him dogmatic, unwilling to accept criticism or to scrutinize his hereditarian views. In one study ranking the most influential psychologists of the 20th century, Terman was tied with G. Stanley Hall at number 72. Terman died on December 21, 1956.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Comparing James Joyces Araby and Ernest Hemingways A...
Comparing James Joyces Araby and Ernest Hemingways A Clean, Well-Lighted Place As divergent as James Joyces Araby and Ernest Hemingways A Clean, Well-Lighted Place are in style, they handle many of the same themes. Both stories explore hope, anguish, faith, and despair. While Araby depicts a youth being set up for his first great disappointment, and A Clean, Well-Lighted Place shows two older men who have long ago settled for despair, both stories use a number of analogous symbols, and lap over each other thematically. At the beginning of Araby, the narrator describes the streets lamps as lifting their feeble lanterns towards an ever-changing violet sky (227). The colour violet is both dark and rich. The sky,†¦show more content†¦It shows what there is. It does not search for what there might be. The old man sits in the shadow and looks down. Joyces character carries a chalice of faith through a maelstrom of mundane chatter (228). Hemingways sips a glass of brandy. To him, the mundane is not a distraction on the way to higher awareness, it is all there is. If one does not like it, one may numb themselves to it, or one may quit it. This old man will not listen to myths of meaning and comfort. He has gone deaf, perhaps out of not wanting to hear any more empty promises or stories that fail to hold up. Joyces boy has had his first crushing disappointment. Hemingways old man has had his last. There is no more looking up for him. His drink, his regular cafà ©, these are his comfort and his ref uge. Both these male authors constitute woman as the Other, a counterpart and compliment to some man, metaphysically or physically. In Joyces story, Mangans sister is the goddess in service of whom our junior Hero goes on his quest to the bazaar. Once arrived, the young lady who flirts with the English boys comes to embody his sense of betrayal. He has come all this way, and no one has time for him. That he came all this way for a girl makes it ironic that it is a girl he first speaks to and she gives him a cold welcome. It may imply that the comfort one seeks in the Church is not always there when you need it, or even that it is never really there: that it is a sham and a front. The women
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Macbeth, By William Shakespeare - 1989 Words
The time of Shakespeare and his great works of literature was a great and prosperous historical time, with much of Europe prospering not only theologically but also economically. However, one of Shakespeare’s plays, Macbeth, brings light to a major and critical aspect of the 16th century that greatly affected life at the time. The story of Macbeth is a tragic play written by Shakespeare in which the fatal flaw of Macbeth is his relentless ambition to be king. This ambition is not only fueled by his strong willed wife, but also by a trio of sinister and mischievous witches, which mislead him throughout the play by showing him partial truths and visions of the future, only increasing his desire for the throne and leading him to his own†¦show more content†¦These research questions were how was witchcraft viewed during the 16th century, how did witchcraft affect the everyday life of people during the 16th century, and finally what role did witchcraft play in influencing the history of the world as well as the modern world. Research both online and through books led to the answers to the three research questions, which in turn came together to form a complete thesis statement. The answers to these three research questions were as follows; that witchcraft was in fact viewed by the majority of people during the 16th century as overall evil, that witchcraft did in fact affect and influence the everyday life of people during the 16th century in major ways, and that witchcraft played a major role in the overall history of the world and even has affected and influenced the modern world we live in (Ehrenreich). There was also information pointing in the opposite direction to each and every one of my decided answers. These sources of opposition stated that witchcraft was not actually evil at all, that it had little effect on people’s daily lives during the 16th century, and even that the practice of witchcraft is very insignificant and has done nothi ng to shape or affect history as a whole. However, the sources and facts that point towards these oppositions are vastly overwhelmed by the sources and facts that point to the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Advent Of The Information Technology Age - 1788 Words
The advent of the information technology age has changed how everyone does business. From the start to the finish, from the hiring to the creation and delivery of the products and services-information technology and social media has become an integral part of how people make their companies function. Telecommuting, storing of information in virtual storage areas called â€Å"clouds,†and the ever-present sharing of ideas and information and transactions between people and companies have changed the way futures are built and professions conduct business. As companies and businesses expand from one central location into many locations across the country, and in some cases, across the globe, the onset of virtual teams has become more commonplace. This is due to the fact that there is an increase in collaboration between colleagues who often aren’t always in the same geographic location. They may be working in the same field, and need to share information, but they have to use technology to get the job done. In the mental healthcare field, the use of virtual work teams is not entirely unheard of, but it is an area of expansion. Teams in health care take many forms, for example, there are disaster response teams; teams that perform emergency operations; as well as hospital teams caring for acutely ill patients. There are medical/nursing teams that care for people at home and clinical based care teams. Geographically disparate teams are those that care for patients thatShow MoreRelatedEvolution of Healthcare Informatics893 Words  | 4 Pagescenturies, doctors the world over all shared a relatively reliable, yet admittedly simplistic method of storing and accessing this vital medical information: a paper chart, pencil, and clipboard. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Strategic Management in Small and Mdium Thomson Learning
Question: Describe about the Strategic Human Resource Management- Boston Consulting Group (Bcg)? Answer: Strategic Human Resources (Boston consulting group BCG): Boston consulting group (BCG) represents detailed information used for an organization to observe variety of business in its portfolio which is connected with the industry growth rates and market share (Tiwari, Patterson and Mabert, 2009). It is one of the most well-known business portfolio to analysis it. On the other hand, to estimate the environment and business prospective they can use it relatively (Lo, Macky and Pio, 2015). In this BCG matrix, business might be classified into two parts i.e. high or low as per their industry growth rate and relative market share (BCG-vaccine, 2015). BCG has the approach base on panel for performing the work. Employees work in team play a key role in achieves the objectives of the business (Tiwari, Patterson and Mabert, 2009). Organizational culture workings as a team or a group, or employees are empower, so that they might experience and get motivated. Employees are also empowering for building the decision and recommend responsibilities in the team work. At the place of work, employee varies as per their surroundings and country; consequently, different performance of members, works mutually for achieving the goals (Bondarouk, Kees Looise and Lempsink, 2009). Initial human resource plan of an organization: In Human resource planning, require right records of people which assist the organization to execute their strategy in order to realize their object goal. Various HR groups resist preparing a talent management strategy that map out their goal and priority for the time and tie thesis to their organizations strategic procedure and goal. Few steps which mention the HR strategic under talent management planning process are: Step 1: Goal identification Goal Description Timing Managing talent Managing talent within the organizational environment. Recognize the organizational goals and their priority toward organization. 3 months Step 2: Organizational drivers Recognition of the organizational drivers and challenges might force the organizations capability to accomplish their organizational goals. Under these steps the organization requires to identify both the internal and external challenge. Under this the organization includes some effects like well competitive job market, result for an employee approval analysis etc. Here, drivers are as mentioned below: 1] Selection and recruitment; 2] Training and development; 3] Competency analysis; Step 3: Gap analysis Goal Gap Risk Selecting best talent for better performance. Needs to recruit appropriate candidate for specified position. Quality of service will reduce significantly. Development of skills, attitude. Ineffective utilization of competency of the employee Fail to identify the training and development needs. Step 4: Priorities Organization needs to describe their HR priority and goals, what are the HR goals for the day to sustain the organization in achieve its goal. Under this SMART analysis are incorporated to recognize the HR priorities. Step 5: Functions Register your talent management process and their purpose, which assist to decide the needs or to create any change to existing procedure or to insert new method to sustain the organization goals. Step 6: Measuring results Determine the consequences and communicate success and contribution, the organization HR goal and priority in place, its vital to evaluate and determine their success and communicate the outcome to the organization. If organization desire to accomplish their goal, for that organization require tracking their relevant template which will assist them to accomplish their goal and success. This exacting segment help to decide the HR plan and the significance of HR management plan. Human resources management is a significant part of talent management processes. Roles and responsibilities of talent management process: Program Manager- the program manager roles and responsibilities under talent management, direct the development plan and track of incorporated development plans, adapt and apply the Sapient Approach to assemble project and program objectives and customer business drivers. Establish and maintain process to direct capacity more the project lifecycle. Deputy heads- under this deputy heads are responsible and accountable for all aspect of community administration inside their organization, counting executive talent management. They guide to perform the talent management procedure. Delegates- This delegate is accountable for creature the key contact foroffice of the chief Human resources officer on all the decision-making talent management initiatives. He or she is also accountable for development, organize, and coordinate managerial talent management behavior within the organization; liaise withOCHRO; update, create, and transfer decision-making financial records within theETMS; and ensure that timelines are valued. Executives- Executives are accountable for performing an dynamic role in the organization of their possess career and for ensure that they contain the essential skill to be strong and successful leaders in the community service. Organization with their manager, they will contribute in an managerial talent management conversation to discuss their person career aspiration, competencies, and their enthusiasm and willingness for transform. Manager of executives- Managers of executives are accountable for successfully managing the community within their group. Managers participated in company role in which they have to offer an appraisal of their employees potential, willingness, and aptitude plan residency through the managerial talent management work out. OCHRO (office of the chief Human resources officer)- under this they are accountable for enable them with device, process, scheme and leadership. Project organizational charts: Under this human resource plan are representing graphically. The main purpose of this chart is to describe the roles and responsibilities of team members. Tools such as RACI (Responsible, accountable, consult and inform). The next RACI chart shows the connection among project tasks and team members. Program manager Deputy Head Delegates Executive Manager of executives OCHRO Identify organizational goals and objectives. RA I C I A C Identify organizational drivers and challenges R C A I Identify gaps I A R C A I Define HR priorities and goals R A C I RA Inventory your talent management processes. C A I R Measure the results and communication successes. R A C R Human resources plan to meet their objectives: Organizational objectives- This objective will illustrate the whole function and vision and mission of a company that have been recognized by its organization and communicate to its human resources (Walton, 2004). Organization objective of the corporation usually center on its long term choice intention for working and in general, company viewpoint that can offer positive leadership quality for employees looking for the safety for their manager (Beugelsdijk, 2008). Human resource requirement- HR planning is a vital part of strategic HR organization. It associates HR executive straight to the strategic plan of organization (Editorial Board, 2015). In few organization were only 10 staff are working they can build up a strategic plan to direct decision concerning the prospect. Human resource requirement help to identify the HR purpose of the organization, it help to identify the different approaches, methods, finding, limitation etc for the organization (Ryan and Wessel, 2015). Human resource programs- Human resource program help in inspiring, developing, and retain capable employees and help them in situation, diverse, healthy and secure work surroundings. Exacting importance is site on maximize employee statement all through the multi-campus scheme, enhancing the place of work, and implement knowledge solution to modernize employment and recover the delivery of services (Peretz, Levi and Fried, 2014). Feasibility Analysis- Feasibility analysis mostly focuses on answer the query. It will use to focus principally on purposed organization venture. It is one which help out the organization to produce cash flow and income, it stay feasible in the long phrase and meet up the goal of the founder (Baldi and Gabrielii, 2015). A feasibility study is frequently conducted after producer has discussed a sequence of business thoughts or scenario. A pre-feasibility learning may be conducting primary to assist variety of applicable scenario. After happening with a complete probability study, organization must do some pre-feasibility study of your possess (Baldi and Gabrielii, 2015). After analyzing all the plans for an organization, they need to flow this: Figure: HRM Plan (Peretz, Levi and Fried, 2014) On the other hand while to forecast the Human resource planning, the organization need to determine the objective first, then the demand forecast for each objectives, then aggregate demand forecast, does aggregate supply meet aggregate demand. On the other hand for supply forecasting the organization need to identify the internal and external program for the organization, aggregate supply forecast etc (Baldi and Gabrielii, 2015). Recent developed countries are ever more relying on human resources to increase their competitive benefit. The skill and information of workers and the ability inherent in technology and equipment that is vital. The ability of an association to direct its aptitude is determination the set of part compare to other competitors (Tiwari, Patterson and Mabert, 2009). The important of HRM purpose to an organization policy is underscore by review the whole functions of an organizations (Bondarouk, Kees Looise and Lempsink, 2009). These comprise broken up onward scan, analysis base on longer instance outline, communication about goal and income allotment, structure for temporary plan evaluate and integrate, institutionalizing longer word time horizon essential for savings, and decisional criterion for temporary decision making. It is unworkable to deal with this significant issue with no bring in the human resources issue at every component of the procedure (Tiwari, Patterson and Mabert, 2009). Due to this significance of policy in the success of firm and the significant element of human resources in the planned process, human resource managers are judging themselves an also concerned in the strategic planning procedure. Since strategy is connected to the organizational goal, the crucial chance to demonstrate the payment of human resources begins in the planning procedure (Lertxundi, 2008). With HR practitioners, the word strategic human resource management (SHRM) is use generally to sign the vision that human resource management behavior supposed to be causal to company efficiency (Peretz, Levi and Fried, 2014). This connection among HRM behavior, the wants of the business, and organizational efficiency is the center of the region called strategic human resource management. Assumption of SHRM (1) successful human resource management require an thoughtful of with combination of an organizations strategic objectives, (Tiwari, Patterson and Mabert, 2009) (2) successful human resource management lead to enhanced organizational presentation. While HR policy and practice are associated with an organizations planned objectives, the scheme can be describe as vertically integrated (Peretz, Levi and Fried, 2014). The principle of human resource management is to make sure that the organization is capable to accomplish achievement through community. HRM systems can be the basis of organizational capability that allows firm to study and benefit from an original opportunity. The significant of SHRM in a business cannot be overemphasizing due to the information that every human being is the dynamic force for the organization. A firm human resource strategy will permit their organization to contain a high-quality association with its workers and to do exist quietly and equally useful manner with its host society. SHRM can be helpful for the organization in which a appropriately implement strategic of human resources plan will help out a company to achieve its objectives (Tiwari, Patterson and Mabert, 2009). When an organization set their objectives and goals for their company to accomplish, it is the workers who will execute the essential duty geared in the direction of achievement of that objective (Bondarouk, Kees Looise and Lempsink, 2009). Wherever, the significance of SHRM in an organization can be see, while the human resources sector will recognize the ex planation area in the business that need manpower. This section will moreover take out the essential steps on the way that are recruited and deal with the ideal candidates who cannot simply fill the vacancy, but also capable to help out the business to accomplish its idea in short as well as long term objectives (Bondarouk, Kees Looise and Lempsink, 2009). References: Baldi, F. and Gabrielii, C. (2015). A feasibility analysis of waste heat recovery systems for marine applications.Energy, 80, pp.654-665. BCG-vaccine. (2015).Reactions Weekly, 1536(1), pp.40-40. Beugelsdijk, S. (2008). Strategic Human Resource Practices and Product Innovation.Organization Studies, 29(6), pp.821-847. Bondarouk, T., Kees Looise, J. and Lempsink, B. (2009). Framing the implementation of HRM innovation.Personnel Review, 38(5), pp.472-491. Editorial Board. 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Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Al Pacino free essay sample
It is with great pleasure and reverence I present to you, Al Pacino. 2) Al Pacino was born on April 25, 1940 in Manhattan, New York. 1) When he was three years old, he and his mother moved to the South Bronx, which he claims as his hometown. 2) In 1966 he was granted admission to the prestigious Actors Studio where he was taught by renowned actor and coach, Lee Strasburg. 3) The lessons paid off quickly for Al Pacino. 4) In 1967 he won an OBIE award (equivalent to an Off-Broadway Tony), and in 1968, he won a Tony award for â€Å"Does the Tiger Wear a Necktie†. ) In 1971, Al got a shot in a feature film called â€Å"The Panic in Needle Park†where he plays a junkie who gets trapped in the ups and downs of dealing heroin. 1) This performance led him into the role that would propel him to greatness, the role of Michael Corleone in The Godfather. 2) The network executives didn’t want Pacino to play the youngest son to Marlon Brando’s Vito Corleone, but at the insistence of Brando, and director Francis Ford Coppola, Al won the part. We will write a custom essay sample on Al Pacino or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ) This was the first of four consecutive Oscar nominations, and eight total for his career. 2) After portraying a real New York City undercover detective in Serpico in 1973, and reprising his role as Michael Corleone in 1974’s The Godfather II, Al’s next role was a huge departure from his usual gritty, tough guy roles. 3) In 1975, Al starred as Sonny, a would be bank robber who needs money to get his boyfriend a sex change operation in the movie Dog Day Afternoon. 4) In 1979, Al plays attorney Arthur Kirkland in the movie,†¦and justice for all. Arthur is forced to defend a judge (whom he hates) in a rape trial. Arthur is torn between defending the judge (even though he knows he’s guilty), and human decency. 1) For the next few years, Al’s career had taken a downward turn. 1) Less than expected box office revenues from 1980’s Cruising and 1982’s Author! Author! left many in Hollywood to think the Al had lost his magic. In 1983, screenwriter Oliver Stone and Director Brian De Palma created a vehicle that would launch Al Pacino’s career into the stratosphere. Pacino’s portrayal of Cuban-born drug kingpin Tony Montana in the movie Scarface is legendary Performance was worthy of an Oscar nod, which he didn’t receive. Pacino did finally win his Oscar in 1992. For his spot on performance as retired Army Officer Frank Slade in Scent of a Woman, he won the award, Pacino has done several films since Scent of a Woman, constantly stretching the limits of his craft, and ever bit as masterful today as he was in his heyday of the 1970’s. Al Pacino approaching his 72nd birthday has not slowed down. He is still acting, but not as much for major studio productions, but doing more independent type films and the occasional work on the stage. From a poor kid growing up in the Bronx, to a legendary film icon, Al Pacino has never forgotten his roots, and still claims the Bronx as his home. From having to borrow bus fare to get to auditions, to writing his own ticket, the humble, charismatic star can look back on a career filled with hard work, natural talent and people who believed in him with pride.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Fitzhugh essays
Fitzhugh essays George Fitzhugh in Southern Thought presents an argument of a new society in the South. The South must take for granted the fact that slavery is right and that a new ideology, a new philosophy must be created off the souths foundation of an agricultural slave based society. Fitzhugh calls for complete independence and isolation from all outside influences (1910) to the point of becoming a separate nation in order for the South to develop its own distinctive brand of thought. Fitzhugh attacks a capitalistic society believing that no security can be found in it and only from slavery can a society be free of immoral activities. Fitzhugh envisioned a South that incorporated slavery of every race as he compared the South to ancient societies that used slavery based on what a person is born into. Fitzhugh believed the need for the South to diversify her economy from an agricultural one to an industrial one to advance the Souths economy and education. Fitzhugh sought to prove historic ally the failure of a free capitalistic society, but when we turn to assess Fitzhughs critique we discover, at both its explicit and its ramified level, that its strengths are also are its weaknesses. One of the most prominent aspects of Fitzhughs argument is that he champions a society, a world in fact, based on slavery; not a race based slavery but the institution in general. In fact he believes that a defense of slavery on racial terms is absurd. Instead, he argues slavery must be championed as a necessary social arrangement; a system established for the advancement of the country where everyone benefits, both the weak and the strong, rich and the poor. Fitzhugh desires a new society based on slavery that will help society as a whole. Fitzhugh makes an attack on capitalism revealing the system in its more negative light and contrasting it to the charity of the slave system. For Fitzhugh, no secur...
Friday, February 21, 2020
Relationship between the Public Relations and Marketing functions Essay
Relationship between the Public Relations and Marketing functions - Essay Example Public relations if well utilized serve as an effective tool in building awareness through generating stories in the media. Then public relation after developing the story in the media then takes another step to create a sense of an enigma among salespersons to boost their morale of work. Marketing mainly involves a variety of processes concerned with finding out what customers want and then availing it for them at a profit (Weinreich, 2011). This process of marketing mainly involves four key elements, referred to as marketing mix. Red Bull, one of the most popular soft drink producers has continued to enjoy continuous prosperity in many of its stalls due to its ability to perfectly bridge the gap between public relations and marketing. In the attempt to popularize the company products, Red Bull, has adopted various forms of marketing to promote its products. The company has intensively used advertising as one tool of its marketing (Dubois, 2010). Without advertising, many notable red bull products could be still unknown to consumers. Initially, Red bull solely depended on encouragement strategy to the consumers. They orally urged them to try the company’s products so as to realize the power and the uniqueness of them. Their marketing effort concentrates on getting more and more persons to buy the company’s product. They believed that after consuming their products, customers will get satisfied and later will serve as means of marketing message dissemination channel. Later, the company adopted modern means of marketing like advertising in order to reach more consumers so as to increase the company profits. As a form of marketing, the advertisement has given the red bull company a competitive edge in the soft drink market (Yates, 2008).Â
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Major American employment-related laws and regulations Case Study
Major American employment-related laws and regulations - Case Study Example Harassment in the workplace is any form of discrimination that violates Age discrimination in employment Act 1967, American with Disabilities Act of 1990, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Equal Pay Act of 1963, Pregnancy Discrimination Act and other regulations that aim at prohibiting harassment in workplace (Hemphill & Haines, 1997). Covey (2007) asserts that harassment is unwelcome conduct that is based on color, race, religion, sex, national origin, pregnancy, disability or age and leads to discrimination and unequal opportunities in employment matters. Harassment is outlawed when enduring the offensive conduct is a condition for employment or when the conduct creates a hostile work environment that is considered as intimidating, abusive and hostile to the employee (United States Department of Labor, 2013). Sexual harassment in the workplace includes ‘quid pro quo’ harassment that occurs when employment decisions or treatment is based on submission to unwelc ome sexual conduct or hostile work environment that leads to unwelcome sexual conduct of customers, supervisors, and contractors (Dale, 2005). Some behaviors that perpetuate unlawful sexual environment include commenting on the physical attributes of the employee, unnecessary touching, discussing sexual activities and displaying of sexually suggestive pictures. In this case, the Department of Labor (DOL) policy prohibits all forms of harassment in the workplace and the employer must implement a harassment policy. that facilitates reporting and investigation of instances of the unlawful behaviors that contribute to harassment (LeMoncheck & Hajdin, 1997). Harassment hinders employee productivity through increased turnover and absenteeism. In addition, harassment negatively affects the organizational reputation and may lead to costly legal suits (Weizer, 2002). Pamodoro Ltd must ensure the workplace is free from any materials that are sexually offensive such as graffiti and nude po sters. The management must implement a strong anti-harassment policy and provide training to the employees, customers and suppliers. The policy must prohibit sexual jokes, comments on person’s body or sex life, sexually demeaning comments, sexually suggestive gifts, touching or patting in a sexual manner, or blocking a co-workers movement (Badgett & Frank, 2007). According to U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (2013), the management must pr
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Different Forms Of Democracy
Different Forms Of Democracy The preceding paper describes democracy in detail. It discusses different forms of democracy. The difference between liberal democracy and democracy has also been analyzed in this paper. It puts light on the seven institutional guarantees of liberal democracy and examines each of the institutional guarantees in detail. Most of the people around the globe are familiar to the word democracy but its meaning is often misunderstood by the ton at occasions when marshal law administrators, single-party governments and military groups acquire the support of millions of people by claiming that they are a democratic government. The word democracy has been derived from the Greek word demos which means people. Democracy can be defined as a form of government in which the supreme power belongs to the people of the nation. In some forms of democracy this power is exercised, directly, by the people of the nation. In other forms, however, this power is being exercised by the agents that are being elected by the general public. According to Abraham Lincoln, democracy can be defined as the government of the people, by the people, for the people. (Cincotta , 2006) The word democracy is often used in place of freedom, but these two words are not synonyms. Although, democracy consists of ideas and theories regarding freedom but it also consists of rules, procedures and policies that have been carved through history. Democracy, therefore, can be defined as an institutionalized form of freedom. (Cincotta, 2006) Types of Democracy: The five major types of democracy are as follows: Direct Democracy: This form of democracy does not advocate the selection of rulers by the general public or the ruled instead it denies the concept that there is any difference between the ruler and the ruled. In such a form all the adult citizens get together to shape the laws and policies for the nation. In other words, we can say that the government and the general public become one. (Democracy,) Deliberative Democracy: It is the form of democracy in which the general public, not just the political personalities, deeply get engaged in the process of public decision making. The citizens also take part in the problem solving processes. The citizens, who are the representatives of a wide variety of stakeholders, who are generally trained by professional experts come together to discuss various facts and concepts from the diversified point of views. They talk to each other and consider various options that are presented to them. They also critically analyze the tension that underlies most of the decisions related to public issues. In the end, the citizens as well as the politicians reach a conclusion or a decision that is being made by both public and political opinion. Most of the countries, nowadays, are trying to employ the deliberative form of democracy. (Carcasson Sprain, 2010) Representative Democracy In this form of democracy people elect representatives who rule them. Most of the nations in todays world are representative democracies. In such nations, a flag represents a nation, a lawyer represents a client and elected politicians represent the nation on international and national levels. The rulers or the representatives allow the general public to have considerable influence or control over them. According to Joseph Schumpeter, representative democracy gives the general public the right to accept or refuse the person who would rule them. (Democracy,) Liberal Democracy Liberal democracy can also be defined as limited government. It limits the authority of the government in order to secure the liberty and the freedom of the public. It also seeks to defend the rights of the minority and to protect the minority from the major danger that is being by democracy, the tyranny and oppression of the majority. This form of government can be defined as the rule of the law rather than the men. In this form of government the rulers are subjected to follow the constitutions and laws. These constitutions consist of rules regarding individual rights. If a citizen feels that he is being exploited by the government then he can raise a dispute in the judicial institutions. (Democracy,) Illiberal or Electoral Democracy In this type of democracy, the leaders or rulers pay no or very little attention to the rights of the individual citizens. The process of democracy is limited to the elections. And in some cases the elections are also disrupted by the influence of the rulers and they may turn the election process in favor of their party. (Democracy,) Difference between Democracy and Liberal Democracy Democracy or presidential form of government can be defined as a form of government where strong decisions are being made immediately in a short period of time and are implemented as well. It is a form of government where the voice of people is valued more than the freedom of the government. According to Schmitt, liberal democracy can be identified with plurality, compromise and indecision. In such a system the freedom of individuals is valued a lot. The decision making process in this form is very lengthy and weak. The decisions made in this form of government, are temporary and do not provide a permanent solution for any problem. Nowadays, in the parliamentary or a liberal form of government the real decisions are being made by the executive committee members behind the closed doors and the parliament is being treated as a debate house. This indicates that the present form of liberal democracy is moving away from its basic objective, public decision making. In a democracy, unlike l iberal democracy where public decision making is practiced, there is a set of rules and regulations which is being followed to make all the important decisions. According to Schmitts theoretical approach, a democracy may exist in a real world but it is nearly impossible for a liberal democracy to exist and sustain in the real world. (Stewart, 2002) Institutional Guarantees Provided by Liberal Democracy For the liberal democracy to exist, it must fulfill the following institutional guarantees; Freedom to Form and Join Organizations All the individuals have complete freedom to join the organization (political) of their choice or they may form their own political organization. For example, the United States of America allows its citizens to freely form and join political organizations. There are about 29 minor and 5 major political parties in the United States of America. Freedom of Expression: All the citizens of a liberal democracy have a right to express their views freely. For example, public demonstrations in different democratic states clearly represent the fact that the general public in democratic states has a complete right to express their views. Inclusive Suffrage: This condition provides all individuals the right to cast the vote and to elect the government. The liberal democracy, for example, provides men and women an equal right to cast the vote whereas; in the previous times women were being neglected in the case of casting votes. The Right to Run for an Office This means that the individual citizens as well as the political candidates have a right to run for a political office in a liberal democracy. For example, in different states many private candidates run for different offices, such as Ross Perrot, who ran for US presidential elections in 1992. Right of Political Leaders to Compete for Vote and Support A liberal democracy allows all the political candidates to compete with each other in legal ways to get their voted and support. For example, different political leaders arrange mass political campaigns in order to convince the people to vote for them. Availability of Alternative Information It is the right of the people to have complete information about all the alternative options available for them. The liberal governments, for example, provide all possible information and complete profiles (including their asset count, net income) of the potential candidates to the general public. Free and Fair Elections It is the responsibility of the government in a liberal democracy to conduct free and fair elections so that the deserving candidate may win and the people may get what they want. For instance, the government posts military officials at various polling stations so that the elections may be conducted peacefully. In addition to that, various policies have been designed by a number of governments in order to avoid vote tracking. Conclusion The increase in transition, from an authoritarian form of government, to democracy has led towards an increase in the number of corrupt governments and system failures. In a survey conducted in third world countries, it was reported that the majority of the people (about 74 percent) said that democracy is the best form of government but they (about 55 percent) also indicated that they would not mind having an authoritarian leader if that would lead towards better economic conditions. Democracy has its pros and cons, but if managed properly, this form of government can bring the best out of a nation and its people. (Howard, 2011)
Monday, January 20, 2020
History Of Human Behavior Essay -- essays research papers
PSYCHOLOGICAL HUMAN BEHAVIOR Psychology is the very important perspective for human nature. It is very much important for the individual environment. Psychology is very much a product of the Western tradition.      Whereas a new psychology of the year 2000 contains both the eastern as well as the Western tradition (Frey, 04/06). Psychologist self-concept attitudes. Its related to Psyche means call a persons self concepts it includes what a person perceives from the persons the integrate part of human mind motion connected to those with bodily concepts. It however reflects true relationship with the mind-body concept. ATTITUDES AND SOCIAL COGNITION addresses those domains of social behavior in which cognition plays a major role, including the interface of cognition with overt behavior, affect, and motivation. (Primis, 119). Major perspectives in Now, what’s the concept of psychoanalysis is also a psychology at this point includes psychoanalysis, humanism and sociobiology. Very important perspective. As a therapy, psychoanalysis is based on observation that Individuals are often unaware of many of the factors that determine their emotions and Behavior. (Frey, 04/06). It is, in addition, a method for learning about the mind, and also a theory, a way of understanding the processes of normal everyday mental functioning and the stages of normal development from infancy to old age. ( Furthermore, since psychoanalysis seeks to explain how the human mind works, it contributes insight into whatever the human mind produces.( Sigmund Freud was the first psychoanalyst. Many of his insights into the human mind, which seemed so revolutionary at the turn of the century, are now widely accepted by most schools of psychological thought. Although others before and during his time had begun to recognize the role of unconscious mental understanding its importance. Although his ideas met with antagonism and resistance, Freud believed deeply in the value of his discoveries and rarely simplified or exaggerated them for the sake of popular acceptance. ( He saw that those who sought to change themselves or others must face realistic difficulties. But he also showed us that, while the dark and blind forces in human nature sometimes seem overwhelming, psychological understanding, by enlarging the realm of reason and responsi... ...ture. But Both Freud and Wilson said a lot about the core of the personality, no matter in what instincts they explained it. It was their ultimate goal towards the concept of interpreting the human beings focusing towards the aspects and moralities of the core effecting the human nature. Their theories helped a lot for the human society in finding the relative core of the human nature. And these theories of Psychology is still much worth regarding the personality as well as the human instinct of true self, true nature as well as their behavior. BIBILOGRAPHY:- 1. Freud Sigmund, Civilization and Its Discontents, Tr:- James Stretcher, New York, W.W. Norton & Company, 1985. 2. Wilson, Edward O., On Human Nature, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 1998. 3. Frankl, Victor E., Mans Search For Meaning, New York, Washington Square Press, 1985. 4. Social Science, Primis, New York, Mc Graw Hill, 1998. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Illnesses of the 1700s Essay
Illnesses of the 1700’s There were many illnesses in the 1700’s and 1800’s that were life threatening, or even a sure death, that are in current times, not a concern, or highly curable. Examples are smallpox, bubonic plague, typhus, mumps, influenza, yellow fever, and measles. These diseases almost single handedly wiped out several native American tribes, and wreaked havoc on European communities. Small pox, overtook half of Boston in 1763. There was no cure, and to this day there is not one, however, it is now completely preventable by vaccine. This disease killed 1 out of 6 people that it infected, and left the rest with horrible scars for the rest of their lives. Inoculation began with smallpox, and spread very quickly due to this particular disease. Documentation of Native American artifacts show that small pox swept these communities, wiping out many of the skilled artisans, thus resulting in a lack of recorded history for long periods of time for these affected tribes. Bubonic Plague was also rampant in this period of time, wiping out whole communities. This highly contagious disease is now preventable and treatable, however, even with prompt treatment with antibiotics, the mortality rate is 15%. With housing conditions the way that they were during these times, people lived with many extended family members in one house, and in close quarters with those around them. Bubonic Plague spread like wildfire, affecting thousands in a short period of time. Influenza, which in current medicine, also has a vaccine, and treatments available, swept Europe prior to and after the 1700/1800’s. It is recorded that influenza in Europe infected over 500 million people, with a mortality of 12 million. It is hard to imagine someone dying from the flu, however, even now, the influenza virus mutates from year to year. This makes it necessary for a new vaccine to be developed based on the infections from a particular region so that it is effective in preventing that particular strain. Mumps, measles and rubella also had a high mortality rate, and like the majority of the diseases that affected millions in that timeframe, they are highly preventable with today’s medicine in the form of vaccines. There is no treatment once these viruses are contracted, so the symptoms are treated for both. The MMR vaccine was developed to prevent all 3 of these viruses, and are given with the standard vaccines that children get at their newborn check up. Typhus was a disease spread by lice, that caused massive losses of population. Areas that were overcrowded and communities that were undernourished fell victim to this epidemic. The lice spread quickly and thus spread the disease, people often wore the same clothes for long periods of time, allowing the lice to multiply and spread among households. Even once this disease was discovered, and was being investigated for treatment, the Doctor’s researching both became infected and died from it. It is rare to find this virus active today, and it is treatable with antibiotics. The way that the government deals with outbreaks of diseases differs today from what the procedure was in the 1700/1800’s. The standard protocol then was to quarantine entire communities, without proper testing, and unknown incubation periods, it was difficult for containment to take place. In current times, we have the CDC, a government agency dedicated to discovery, treatment, and containment of communicable diseases. They provide information to the public and are responsible for keeping vaccines updated and effective. In this way, our communities are protected from the rapid spread of epidemics. As one can see, the way that diseases are treated and prevented now, varies wildly from the lack of modern medicine that was available to even the most modern societies in the 1700s.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Report Of Pratibha Industries Essay Example Pdf - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 10 Words: 3120 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? The annual report of Pratibha Industries Ltd is analysed for years FY2007-2008 and FY2008-2009. The report attempts to analyse the financial health of the company from the point of view of an investor making an investment decision. The report compares the performance of PIL over the last three years by analysing the financial statements of the company. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Report Of Pratibha Industries Essay Example Pdf" essay for you Create order Also peer comparison has been done with three companies for a comprehensive view. The ratios are calculated based on the financial data available in the companys Annual Reports of FY07-08 and FY08-09.The competitor data has been taken from and the key ratios are calculated using the same method as ratios of PIL for accurate comparison. INTRODUCTION The financial statements provide information about the financial position of the firm. The detail of the analysis is useful in making some vital economic decisions. Pratibha Industries Ltd. (PIL) is a turnkey project contractor, engaged in constructing buildings and infrastructure development projects. It designs and constructs integrated water transmission (including treatment, re-cycling, storage and distribution projects), water treatment plants, elevated and underground reservoirs, mass housing including real estate projects, commercial complexes, pre-cast design and construction and road construction services. ABOUT THE COMPANY Company Background Pratibha Industries Limited (PIL) is the flagship company of Pratibha Group, incorporated in 1983. The company that started with manufacturing of SFRC manhole covers, frames and various other pre-cast products, has now positioned itself as a niche player in infrastructure space with expertise in water management and other urban infrastructure projects. Apart from having presence in lucrative water segment that accounts over 60% of the companys current order book, PIL has enlarged its presence into urban infrastructure projects like road construction, airport terminals, mass housing projects, commercial complexes, railway stations, tunneling projects and into other verticals of infrastructure development like EPC contracts in Oil and Gas distribution, thermal power plants and other large projects in construction space. Further the company has also backward integrated by setting up a pipes manufacturing facility for captive consumption as well as to tap the tremendous opportunities t hat lies in pipes segment. Significant Accounting policies The Financial Statements are prepared to comply in all material aspects with the applicable accounting principles in India, the accounting standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and the relevant provisions of The Companies Act, 1956. The Financial Statements of the Company and its subsidiary companies (which are not in the nature of joint ventures) have been consolidated on a line-by-line basis by adding together the book values of like items of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. The intra group balances and intra group transactions and un-realized profits or losses resulting from intra group transactions are fully eliminated. Investments in associate companies have been accounted for, by using equity method whereby investment is initially recorded at cost and the carrying amount is adjusted thereafter for post acquisition change in the Companys share of net assets of the associate. The Consolidated Financial Statements include the interest of the Company in JVCs, which has been accounted for using the proportionate consolidation method of accounting and reporting. For further details on the Accounting policies refer to Appendix 4. No change in accounting policy noticed in the annual report for the past 3 years. The Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss and Cash Flow Statements have been duly audited the year ending at 31st March every year. COMPANY FINANCIAL AND DATA ANALYISIS Note: All figures such as sales etc. are in Indian Rupee (Rs.) and in terms of 10 Million (1crore). Key Ratio Calculations: Growth Ratios: The growth percentage provides a brief snap shot of the companys status as compared to the previous year. Profitability Ratios: A class of financial metrics that are used to assess a businesss ability to generate earnings as compared to its expenses and other relevant costs incurred during a specific period of time. Comment on Profitability Ratios: Return on Capital Employed: It is the ratio of operating profit generated during a period and the average long-term capital invested in the business during the period. The ROCE has decreased in 2009 after an increase in 2008. The reason for decrease is mainly because secured loans rose by 69.7% and unsecured loans were again availed back in 2009. These loans were present in 2007 and settled in 2008. Return on Net worth: The return on net worth ratio has increased to 19.9% after a slight dip in 2008.The dip was largely due to 107 % increase in reserves and surplus during 2008. Gross, Operating and Net Profit Margin: All the three profit margins have been dropping year on year. In 2009 the profits drop can be mainly attributed to the increase in expenses. Though there is increase in all the expenses generally due to high commodity prices and inflation ; those a bit out of proportion are the Directors Remuneration which has increased about 250% and Legal fees and other professional charges by about 83%. In 2008 the drop in profit can be attributed to the raise in cost of work done which again can be traced to heavy purchases a steep rise of 249%. Turnover/Activity Ratios: Turnover ratios are used to measure how many times a companys inventory is replaced in a specific period of time. By dividing the cost of goods sold by average inventory we can calculate the turnover ratio. When the company is producing and selling its goods quickly then it is said to have a high turnover ratio. Comment on Turnover/Activity Ratios: Fixed Asset Turnover: This ratio has decreased to less than half of 2007 value. This is due to the substantial increase in the investment in plant and machinery as the company is in expansion. But it also shows that the company is not making use of its capital to the optimum. Debtor Turnover: This ratio has increased to 7.29 in 2008 and dropped to 5.71 in 2009 again. This is due to the drop in sundry debtors in 2008 and rise in 2009. Inventory Turnover: This ratio has dropped substantially due to the increase in inventory. Its due to increased work in progress in 2008. It increased again in 2009 due to decreased work in progress. But overall it implies poor sales by the company during the period. Liquidity Ratios: Liquidity ratios are concerned with the ability of the business to meet its short term financial obligations. Comment on Liquidity Ratios: Current ratio: The current ratio has fallen from 3.04 to 1.33 in 2008 and again increased to 1.89. The fall in 2008 was due to increased liabilities (274% rise) in the form of sundry creditors and advances deposits. Whereas In 2009 while the current assets increased; the liabilities actually decreased leading to a higher current ratio. The increase shows margin available will be more and chances of the firms meeting its commitments will also be more. But still a ratio of 2:1 is expected as ideal. Acid Test Ratio/Quick Ratio: The pattern of acid test ratio is very similar to the current ratio discussed above. The only difference being the inventory. In 2008 the work in progress was high which lead to a high inventory and low ratio while in 2009 the work in progress decreased which increased the ratio. The ratio is above 1 and hence indicates that the business is safe and would be able to pay short term liabilities from its liquid assets. Leverage Ratios: Leverage ratios are used to calculate the financial leverage of a company to get an idea of the companys methods of financing or to measure its ability to meet financial obligations. Comment on Leverage Ratios: Interest cover ratio: The Interest cover ratio measures the amount of operating profit available to cover interest payable. It has remained relatively stable over the three years in spite of increasing operating profit. This is due to the fact that the interest paid to the bank and interest on finance for vehicle and construction equipment has increased year on year. Still the interest cover is adequate for the period. Debt-Equity ratio: This ratio indicates what proportion of equity and debt the company is using to finance its assets. In 2008 this ratio had almost halved and then again rose by 1.5 times in 2009. As mentioned earlier it is due to the unsecured loans in 2007 which were paid back in 2008 and again availed back in 2009. But still it reflects a less dependence on debt, as the company is in a capital intensive sector, the financial needs have been fulfilled by issue of equity shares. Investment Ratios: These are mainly used by the investors to find out the performance of a business as an investment. The investors will be interested in the company making some good profit from the investment made. Dividend payout ratio: The dividend payout ratio is decreasing year on year. This is due to the fact that the company is paying a constant dividend in spite of increasing profits. The company can make use of major part of its profit for the future growth. Dividend yield ratio: It shows how much a company pays out in dividends each year relative to its share price. In the absence of any capital gains, the dividend yield is the return on investment for a stock. The dividend yield ratio is varying with the market price as the dividend payout is constant at Rs.2 per share year on year. Earnings per share: The Earnings per share is increasing year on year which is a good sign. Its due to increasing profit every year. P/E Ratio: The PE ratio had peaked out in 2008 due to high price of the share. Due to 2009 recession the price of the share bottomed out and the P/E ratio was the lowest at 2.97 at 31st march 2009.This indicates that the stock was cheap on that day. Other Inferences: The company had a high exposure in Indian stock market through mutual funds. These mutual funds were amounting to RS.85.01 Crore. These were sold off for RS 3.42 crore which represents a loss of 95.97%. PEER COMPARISON The peer comparison has been done with Unity Infra (UI), Madhucon projects(MCN)and JMC Projects(JMC). Mostly the charts are self explanatory. PIL has shown good profitability as compared to peers with a high ROCE and RONW and a good operating profit margin. Liquidity ratios have come down from undesirably high levels to acceptable ones. The Interest cover is lower and debt to equity is higher than peers. Though the dividend payout is less the EPS of the company is fairly high .It can be said that overall the company is having good standing in comparison with its peers. MARKET PERCEPTION The current price and values as on 24/Dec/2009 are shown below. The markets have rebounced after the effects of recession and today the stock price is relatively higher than the year end 31st March 2009. The Analystcommunity/Broker view point has been attached in APPENDIX 5. For a detailed analysis the stock price chart has been attached in APPENDIX 6. OHLC(open high low close ) chart has ben chosen for 52 week period. The 52 week low was around 53.05 (due to FII outflow from indian markets in march ). All the stock prices were vey low at that point. The OHLC shows the markets open, previous close, todays high and low. The market is pretty range bound and not trending and so the stock price has witnessed a small fall. (Indian point of view). CONCLUSION The Financial Analysis helps us conclude that the company in spite of having some glitches has performed well , especially compared to the peers and the stock is not overvalued and hence has a good investment potential in the long term. Future Potential PIL has a robust order backlog of around Rs 2100 crore (nearly three times its trailing four quarter sales) as on date and the same is expected to grow to Rs 3500 crore by fiscal FY 2011, which provides strong revenue visibility. While maintaining its strong foothold in the water segments, PIL has diversified its business profile into urban infrastructure projects and other verticals of infrastructure development like EPC contracts in Oil and Gas distribution, thermal power plants and other large projects in construction space. This will insulate the company from any slowdown in any particular segment. The company has backward integrated by setting up HSAW pipe facility, which has strengthened its margin in water segment and also allowed an entry into a lucrative space of oil and gas EPC contracts. Pratibha Industries has sizable presence in Mumbai Metropolitan Region and is expanding aggressively in other states in order to diversify the state specific delays and risk. Risk Concerns Projects included in the order book of the company may be delayed or cancelled for various reasons, which will adversely affect the revenues and earnings of the company. As for PIL, most of its projects are running on schedule. However, one cannot ignore the inherent risks associated with the business. Fluctuation in raw material prices is another concern. A sharper-than expected increase in the prices of these raw materials could impact PILs Margins. Future order inflows might get affected due to the economic slowdown. Any slowdown in government implementation and awarding of contracts in water management and urban infrastructure, will impact companys earning. R D expenditures of total turnover was 1.9% 9. REFERENCES Ashok Leyland website BFA report available at Performance report available at Business Line website Moneycontrol website ICICI direct website Definitions for Profitability ratios available at: Definitions for Turnover ratios available at Definitions for Liquidity ratios available at Definitions for Solvency ratios available at Chadwick, Leslie (2002). Essential Finance and Accounting for Managers. Prentice Hall Dyson, J R., (1997). Accounting for Non- Accounting Students. Fourth edi tion, Pitman Publishing. APPENDICES Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Appendix 4 Policy Comment Accounting Convention The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention in accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles in India and the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956. The Company is following accrual basis of accounting on a going concern concept. Accounting policies are suitably disclosed as notes annexed to the Balance Sheet and Profit Loss Account. Fixed assets and depreciation/amortisation Fixed Assets are stated at cost of acquisition, including any attributable cost for bringing the asset to its working condition for its intended use, net of taxes and duties less accumulated depreciation and impairment loss and includes financing cost for period up to the date of readiness of use. Capital Work-in-Progress is stated at the amount expended up to the date of Balance Sheet including preoperative expenditure. Depreciation on fixed assets has been provided on Straight Line method at the rates and in the m anner prescribed in Schedule XIV to the Companies Act, 1956. As per ASI 2- Accounting For Machinery Spares, the machinery spares specific to a particular asset have been capitalized. Investments Current investments are carried at the lower of cost and quoted/fair value, computed category wise. Investments, intended to be held for more than a year, from the date of acquisition, are classified as long-term. they are stated at cost. Provision for diminution in the value of long-term investments is made only if such a decline is other than temporary. Inventories Cost of inventories comprise of all cost of purchase, cost of conversion and other cost incurred in bringing them to their respective present location and condition. Raw materials are valued at lower of cost or net realizable value. Foreign currency transactions All Monetary assets and liabilities are converted at the exchange rate prevailing on the last day of the year. All Monetary assets and liabilities are converted at the exchange rate prevailing on the last day of the year. Revenue recognition The Company follows the percentage completion method, on the basis of physical measurement of work actually completed at the balance sheet date, taking into account the contractual price and revision thereto by estimating total revenue and total cost till completion of the contract and the profit so determined has been accounted for proportionate to the percentage of the actual work done. Sales are accounted net of excise duty, Sales Tax, Discount, Returns and Rejections. Sales are recognized on dispatch of material from the factory of the company. Borrowing Costs: Borrowing costs that are attributable to the acquisition or construction of qualifying assets are capitalized as part of the cost of such assets. All other borrowings costs are expensed out. Contingent Liabilities: These are disclosed by way of notes on the Balance Sheet. Provision is made in the accounts in respect of those contingencies, which are likely to materialize into liabilities after the year end, till the finalization of accounts and have material effect on the position stated in the Balance Sheet. Segment Accounting Segment accounting policies are in line with the accounting policies of the Company. Segment revenue includes sales and other income directly identifiable with/ allocable to the segment including inter- segment revenue. Income which relates to the Company as a whole and not allocable to segments is included in Unallocable Corporate Income. Segment result includes margins on inter- segment transactions, which are reduced in arriving at the profit before tax of the Company. Segment assets and liabilities include those directly identifiable with the respective segments. Segment revenue resulting from transactions with other business segments is accounted on the basis of transfer price agreed between the segments. Such transfer prices a re either determined to yield a desired margin or agreed on a negotiated basis. Appendix 5 ANALYST COMMENTS BY GEOJIT BNP PARIBAS: Please be informed that the Pratibha Industries, a leading engineering and construction company, has been doing reasonably well. A company with annual turnover of Rs.805 crore in Financial Year 08 -09, earned net profit of Rs.45 crore in that year and the earnings per share (EPS) is Rs.26.80. For the six months ended September 09, net profit of the company is Rs.24 crore. which translates to an EPS of Rs.14.38 on a half yearly basis. Book value of the share as on March 09 balance sheet is Rs.134. At the current price (Rs.the price / book value ratio is 2.08. The figures as stated above indicate that the stock is not over valued and you may consider a buy. However, the sluggish trends in the construction and engineering industry in recent days due to the on going economic slowdown may check any strong upmove in the stock prices in the immediate term and it looks better to buy for the long term. Buying in small lots in different occasions would help you to accumulate t he stock cheap, if the price is falling.
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